Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Another day at the office...

I wanted to post some pictures of the latest event I did for work. In case you didn't know, from 9 to 5, I am the Coalition Coordinator for the Miami Beach Coalition for a Safe and Drug Free Community. That is my day job. Some of you may have even heard me moan and groan about it. But there are high points to the job! One of which is when I get to work directly with the kids and with the dedicated people that serve and mentor those kids everyday.

Here are some pictures of my last event called the "Teen TalkAbout" which we did for Alcohol Awareness month. The theme was "Show Love for Anti-Drug". It was held at the North Shore Park & Youth Center on Miami Beach. Most of the real hard work was done by Willie Priegues, an incredibly dedicated and super cool guy. He is the Director of the "Teen Club" which offers after school programming for Miami Beach kids. The event hosted about 400 kids (yes 400). We had guest speakers, a Q&A session and then a dance. It was really fun. No problems at all with the kids. Although I can say it was a good thing Willie had his Teen Club staff there cause lets just dance crazy now a days! Talk about "get low" and "scrub da ground" or "poak chop" whatever these crazy kids dancing now! Ask Agi! She was there too! We were cracking up!

You may be wondering who did the graffiti art. I am not supposed to say who did the amazing graffiti art for us but I can say that it was done by a very famous, or should I say infamous graffiti artist from Miami. Some of you old schoolers probably have an idea who he is. Anyway, as you can see, the kids signed the piece as their pledge to "Show Love to Anti Drugs". They loved it.

Anyhow enjoy...

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