Saturday, February 14, 2009

Hello! I'm still here...

Wow!  It sure has been a long time since I have been on this blog.  Things have been so crazy that I haven't had time to post anything.  Anyway I read somewhere that "blogging" is dead and social networking like "Twitter" and "Facebook" is the future (at least the near future).  I'm inclined to agree with that.  Its just so much easier to post a quick status message and "Presto!" you are updated and connected.

Anyways.  Highlights since my last post...

  1. I turned 40.
  2. Yes, 40.
  3. I now have 24 personal training clients and loving it.
  4. Even though I love training people (see above) I still kinda dread waking up at 5 am.
  5. Maxine got "Old Dog Vestibular Syndrome".  But is ok now.
  6. Agi got us an awesome 40 inch flat screen!  Thanks babe!
  7. We got a SWEEEET expresso machine for Christmas!  Thanks Mom and Dad.
  8. Agi makes the best double, soy lattes.
  9. Did I mention I turned 40?
Tumble on,
